Video Lucu Bergaransi Dono Jadi Detektif Pintar Pintar Bodoh Part 1. Both sides are competing to be the best detectives. Mereka berempat berpisah gara-gara ribut soal duit. Watch Video Lucu Bergaransi Dono Jadi Detektif Pintar Pintar Bodoh Part 1 video for free
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Itu terjadi kala Kasino melantunkan Lagu Si Kodir Cekere Dekil dengan adegan Dana Christina berbikini dan berlari secara. Kedua kubu ini saling bersaing untuk menjadi detektif yang terbaik. Both sides are competing to be the best detectives.
Berkisah tentang Dono, Kasino, Indro, dan Dorman yang ingin membuka sebuah kantor detektif. However, because of disagreements between them, their friendship was split into two groups, namely Kubu Kubu Casino-Dono and Indro-Dorman. However, because of disagreements between them, their friendship was split into two groups, namely Kubu Kubu Casino-Dono and Indro-Dorman.